Love Continuation | Do your best to help poor students out of the mountains!

Love Continuation | Do your best to help poor students out of the mountains!

In recent days, students who have received donations have sent letters to Mr. Cao Yalian, chairman of Liulian Intelligent, to express their gratitude for receiving Liulian Intelligent Computer.The aided students wrote that the computers received have greatly improved their learning. Mr. Cao Yalian, chairman of Liulian Intelligent, brought not only important learning material support, but also valuable spiritual encouragement. And determined to cherish this opportunity, turn the love from all walks of life into a driving force for learning, and will use excellent results, with a high sense of responsibility and mission, to repay Mr. Cao Yalian's care, and not to disappoint the ardent expectations of all sectors of society.


In this rapidly developing information age, there are still many children in poor areas who cannot get fair educational resources due to the limitations of mountain conditions and family economic reasons. Mr. Cao Yalian actively responded to the call of the country and education development, and joined hands with the Hong Kong Dragon Race Fund to help the development of education in poor mountainous areas for many times. Over the years, we have never forgotten the original intention and social responsibility of public welfare. Since its establishment, Liulian Intelligence has always been enthusiastic about public welfare. It has donated necessary materials and computers to students in need in many poor mountainous areas, and has made library donations to support many families. Difficult students complete their studies.





This is a kind of self-consciousness and responsibility as a Chinese, as well as a noble original intention and selfless dedication. Through their own strength, for public welfare undertakings to contribute a little bit of love. This is the continuation and practice of the "spirit of love". Liulian Intelligence will continue to maintain such a fine tradition and contribute our love and strength to the public welfare of education in mountainous areas.




Cao Yalian, chairman of Liulian Intelligence, said that the follow-up will continue to help the construction and development of education in poor mountainous areas and promote the balanced development of education. As an entrepreneur, he will assume more social responsibilities in the future, actively pay attention to social welfare undertakings, and insist on repaying the society.