Building a solid base for digital China, six-link intelligence will invest in the 2.5 billion layout of the global server market.

Building a solid base for digital China, six-link intelligence will invest in the 2.5 billion layout of the global server market.

With the rapid development of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, 5G and other new generation information technologies, data centers, as the carrier of cloud computing and information systems, have become the key infrastructure in the information technology system. At present, Tencent, Ali, China Mobile and other industry giants are through independent research and development, deep customization to build data center. According to people familiar with the matter, Liulian Intelligence, a well-known domestic PC and multi-category intelligent terminal solution service provider, will invest in 2.5 billion layout of the global server market in the next 2-3 years to provide customers with one-stop high-tech, high-computing power, high-energy-efficiency and high-security data center solutions.



In view of the current IDC market, which generally has poor access experience and high network energy consumption, the six-link intelligent integration of multi-party resources, a comprehensive layout in the server field, plans to launch a strategic planning, overall design, construction, commissioning and verification, operation and maintenance in one of the data center industry ecological chain. And through the online and offline two-way integration, break the data barriers, complete the digital park 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 construction. The 1.0 phase is mainly based on the existing architectural layout of the park to provide industrial cluster services for the settled enterprises. In the 2.0 phase, offline digital computer rooms will be established to provide global customers with sufficient and stable, energy-saving and low-carbon computing power leasing and hosting services. At the same time, the super-computing center can be jointly established to enable new infrastructure and smart city construction and build a solid foundation for digital China. In the 3.0 phase, meta-universe technology will be used to configure diversified virtual scenes, complete the interactive mapping of the park's physical space and digital space, provide enterprises with digital twin virtual scene services such as cloud reception and cloud office, and realize cross-level, cross-departmental and cross-regional business collaboration.




It is understood that the one-stop data center solution of Liulian Intelligent will be officially launched in Q3 in Shanghai in 2023, and the first park data sharing center will be built. It will be sold to domestic and foreign markets in Q4. It is planned to build 10 park data sharing centers in Shanghai within 5 years. After completion, it will make up for the shortcomings of data integration in the park, provide supercomputing application services for manufacturing, medical, financial, gaming, education and other industries, and build Shanghai into an innovative highland for global data centers.

In the future, with the continuous landing of the data sharing center of Liulian intelligent park, it will drive the upstream and downstream of the data center industry chain to usher in comprehensive innovation. At the same time, it is also expected that more technology industry giants will promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industrial parks to realize informatization, digitalization and intelligence through technology empowerment, and contribute to the construction of digital China.